We believe that part of following Jesus means helpings others follow Jesus as well. Mentoring is about being available for someone and walking alongside them on the road of life. It is a willingness to listen, pray, and help someone to grow in their relationship with God. Through our Mentor Workshops, we equip volunteer mentors to disciple people through the struggles of life.
If you are a Christian who is passionate about helping people and would like to find out more about becoming a mentor, call us at 320.441.2250 or email us at info@atlaswcmn.org
You can also complete our mentor application online
Print and return a mentor application
Printed applications can be mailed to us at ATLAS, 1210 Lakeland Dr. SE #4, Willmar, MN 56201, emailed to info@atlaswcmn.org , or they can be dropped off at ATLAS (1210 Lakeland Dr. SE #4, Willmar, MN 56201).